Andrew Gray lawyer ethical consigliere

Facilitated by Andrew Gray. Informed by the constituents.



Annoyed with MPs who put party before constituents? Narked that MPs don’t listen – and don’t need to listen to you? Frustrated that all our institutions are failing?

Empowered by you, wonderful people of Selby and Ainsty, I am your solution. Vote for a breath of fresh air, instead of rearranging the deckchairs.

You know that we can’t go on like this. We are the greatest country on earth, North Yorkshire the greatest county. The UK has a history of being first, unafraid to go it alone: Industrial Revolution; parliamentary democracy; abolition of slavery; the NHS; football, rugby, golf, tennis; the computer. When we innovate, we succeed. Brexit – love it or hate it – was an innovation: we were the first country to sever ties with the EU.

Our democracy needs to modernise.

As your MP, you will influence, on a weekly basis, how I represent you in Parliament. If I am elected, every MP in the land will need to pay attention: listening to their constituents – not just paying lip-service – will become a requirement. This is what representatives are meant to do. I intend to take democracy back to its roots, starting here, in North Yorkshire.

If you believe, like I do, that interest rate hikes are madness, empower me to do something about it. I recommend that we restructure the failed Bank of England.

When you elect me as your MP, it won’t just be the weekly surgeries when you can tell me your opinion, you will have a 24/7 ability to tell me what you think through our conversation platform. I will read, analyse, and act according to your views, because I believe local people know what they need more than the Westminster elite on the key issues.

Create the biggest political earthquake and etch this constituency into the national consciousness. Solo voices can be the most powerful. Love him or hate him, Nigel Farage had the profile and power equivalent to 100 MPs; Caroline Lucas, too, moved mountains.

Together, we can shake the very foundations of Westminster with 100,000 people storming through the lobbies of parliament every time I cast my vote on your behalf.

“I will vote in Parliament in accordance with the consensus of the constituency” – Andrew Gray


In a UK-first – perhaps even a world first – on the 26 June 2023, Andrew Gray began to crowdsource the views of the people of the Selby and Ainsty constituency, using machine-learning AI, in order to create this manifesto.

In total, 50 AI Polis conversations have been carried out: 46 village conversations; three town conversations; one cross-constituency political conversation. At the time of writing (the conversations remain open), there have been over 7,500 votes.

Voters were made aware of the platform via the distribution of 48,000 leaflets delivered to constituents’ homes, social media advertising and local and national press coverage.

“My constituents are getting more democracy, more power in their hands” – Andrew Gray


Working in conjunction with data scientist Dr Simon Wallace, of consultancy Demonstrandum, a number of consensus positions have been identified in the data provided by the people of Selby and Ainsty constituency. Based on these positions, Andrew Gray has formulated the following policies.

Each policy has underneath it the comments and votes provided by constituents of Selby and Ainsty. You can see the statement, whether it is agreed or disagreed with, and then the % of the respondents amongst the voting groups where there was consensus.

“My only policy is to take my policies from the people!” – Andrew Gray


The Bank failed to act quickly enough to deal with the inevitability of high inflation. Furthermore, their policy of increasing interest rates punishes those on variable rate mortgages as well as renters. Their victims are people least able to withstand such increases, whilst those who have paid off their mortgage and who have cash in the bank, are rewarded. It should be Parliament’s decision – not the Bank of England’s – to determine who suffers economic pain.

Andrew Gray lawyer ethical consigliere

Andrew says…


Re-nationalise the failed Bank of England

The Bank failed to act quickly enough to deal with the inevitability of high inflation. Furthermore, their policy of increasing interest rates punishes those on variable rate mortgages as well as renters. Their victims are people least able to withstand such increases, whilst those who have paid off their mortgage and who have cash in the bank, are rewarded. It should be Parliament’s decision – not the Bank of England’s – to determine who suffers economic pain.

The consensus…

Accept that we now live in a time of high inflation

Although the UK’s inflation rate is higher than most advanced countries, we can live with high inflation if wages – both public and private – and benefits, rise in line with inflation. We cannot control global prices.

The consensus…

Harmonise capital gains tax in line with income tax

Income is income, regardless of source. Capital gains tend to benefit the wealthy. Wealthy people should not be encouraged through lower rates of tax to structure their income as capital gains.

The consensus…

Introduce transaction taxes on mega-corporations such as Amazon

Our nation of shopkeepers will be no more if mega-corporations don’t pay their fair share. A buzzing high street is priceless.

The consensus…

Seek closer alignment with the EU

Develop something akin to the Norway model, in order to reduce cross-border transactional costs for food.

The consensus…

“Perfection is the enemy of progress.” – Winston Churchill

Foreign Affairs

Andrew Gray lawyer ethical consigliere

Andrew says…


Maintain support for Ukraine but be open to pragmatic peace deal that delivers for the people of Ukraine

North Yorkshire stands proudly with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

The consensus…

Distance ourselves from the US

The Special Relationship has been especially one-sided of late, and their turmoil should not affect our economic stability.

The consensus…

Closer ties to the EU

Follow the Norwegian model of closer ties with the EU, but maintain control of our borders and foreign policy.

The consensus…

“Using Polis will revolutionise the way UK Elections are held” – Andrew Gray


Andrew Gray lawyer ethical consigliere

Andrew says…


Large scale investment in onshore wind

Reducing the cost of energy, increasing our national wealth, and catching up with our European neighbours.

The consensus…

Development of infrastructure for electric cars

Cars will be here for decades to come, particularly in rural North Yorkshire with its poor public transport network.

The consensus…

“The system will be used in every town and village within the constituency” – Andrew Gray


Andrew Gray lawyer ethical consigliere

Andrew says…


Radical overhaul of the NHS

A cross-party Royal Commission should be convened to reimagine an NHS fit for this century.

The consensus…

Fair pay for staff

NHS pay should keep pace with inflation, thereby ending the crippling strikes and ensuring that the largest historical waiting list reduces.

The consensus…

“I have a vision for Selby and Ainsty: Direct Democracy” – Andrew Gray


The UK requires a written constitution, which I propose should ensure the following:

Andrew Gray lawyer ethical consigliere

Andrew says…


Direct election of the Prime Minister.

The consensus…

Rapid regulation of AI to ensure mistakes of big tech and social media regulation are not repeated

Renationalisation of the Bank of England

Abolition of first-past-the-post system for electing MPs

The consensus…

Enshrined right to access to justice for all, not just the wealthy

The consensus…

“A fresh new take on politics” – Andrew Gray
