Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project


Positive Memories

This blog - like many of my blogs - is written on a plane. This time, I’m en route to Dublin - just for one day! - a place [...]

Positive Memories2023-12-10T15:26:50+00:00

The Lie I Told to Become a Lawyer

Picture the scene: aged 24, I am – nervously, sweating in a cheap suit – sitting in front of a panel of four imposing male equity partners, in a spacious [...]

The Lie I Told to Become a Lawyer2023-10-11T10:55:00+01:00

Dodging Landmines in Nagorno-Karabakh                                                         

In the spring of 2005, to gather ideas for my second unfinished book The Anti-Guidebook, I travelled, solo, to Armenia. Why Armenia? Because, I had “done” South-East Asia and [...]

Dodging Landmines in Nagorno-Karabakh                                                         2023-09-27T08:29:58+01:00


A few months ago, at breakfast in my hotel in The Canaries, I asked the waiter: “Perdon, Senor. Tienes el pan sin gluten, para dos personas, por favor?”. (Excuse me, [...]


Getting Colder

North Yorkshire’s sudden slide into winter destroys my mood like nothing else. Turning the heating on today - when just a few days ago it was sunbathing weather - [...]

Getting Colder2023-09-17T10:23:54+01:00

El Dueno (the owner) and Strangeways

It’s 8pm - vino-o-clock! – here in Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife. I’m doing something most un-Spanish: dining solo. Sitting here on the veranda of a locals’ restaurant, near to [...]

El Dueno (the owner) and Strangeways2023-09-08T21:23:58+01:00

Genes and dogs

Slowly, step by step, I am walking up Casterton Fell in North Yorkshire. My son is somewhere ahead of me. My wife and daughter are – surprisingly – somewhere behind. [...]

Genes and dogs2023-08-29T18:37:53+01:00

Ich bin ein Berliner

I’m in Berlin. Rather, we – the family Gray - are here, in Berlin, at the end of our six-day holiday. We chose Germany because both sides of our family [...]

Ich bin ein Berliner2023-08-21T15:59:43+01:00

Buying a Language School in Spain

It’s 8:30pm, on Sunday 21 May 2023. I’m sitting, alone, on a bench in Puerto De La Cruz, North Tenerife. The photo above is my current view. I landed just [...]

Buying a Language School in Spain2023-08-02T08:18:44+01:00

Fiction: Anywhere But Bangkok

Disclaimer What follows is pure fiction, written by me twenty years ago when I was running a backpacking NGO, Voices for Burma, and after completing a travel writing course at [...]

Fiction: Anywhere But Bangkok2023-01-29T11:47:13+00:00
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