Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Thought of The Day

Your true colours

During these frightening times, my recent experience of business, politics, family and friendships instructs me that people’s true colours shine more clearly now than they have ever done.    In [...]

Your true colours2020-06-11T10:31:57+01:00

Marxists and Capitalists

Marxists and Capitalists make the same mistake: both describe our current system as capitalist. Sure, it is capitalist, but missing is the sub-category. As Yanis Varoufakis skilfully explains here, when [...]

Marxists and Capitalists2020-06-04T07:54:42+01:00

Good Days, Bad Days

After a bad day - as today has been - as a sufferer of a chronic pain-type illness, I now sympathise with those who have had the good day-bad day, [...]

Good Days, Bad Days2020-06-03T07:55:46+01:00

Don’t Look Back in Anger

Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis captured the spirit of the mid-90s. At 15, I remember that time as one of optimism; we knew that something better was en [...]

Don’t Look Back in Anger2020-06-02T08:27:09+01:00

Lockdown Weather and Pascal’s Wager

At the high risk of being ridiculed, I’ll write it regardless. The best weather in my lifetime, coincided with the only lockdown in my lifetime. During this weird period, like [...]

Lockdown Weather and Pascal’s Wager2020-06-01T10:19:26+01:00

We can move mountains

Until yesterday, my dealings with business banking has been the low point in my business life. The average length of a call to my high street business bank was around [...]

We can move mountains2020-05-20T08:30:11+01:00

In defence of Reckless Boris (RB)

After the PM’s apparent bungled performance on Sunday evening, which was supposedly exacerbated by his “clarifications” on Monday, I thought that I would – candidly – spring to his defence. [...]

In defence of Reckless Boris (RB)2020-05-12T07:33:12+01:00

Six months without alcohol

Yes, it was six months ago since I last tasted the amber nectar. I haven’t missed it, no. Given that alcohol doesn’t work well with my medication - which I [...]

Six months without alcohol2020-05-10T07:49:25+01:00

A Pandemic of Poor Decision-Making

During this life-defining time – when what we do during these weeks may define our lives - I have noticed, in a variety of arenas, people making the most absurd [...]

A Pandemic of Poor Decision-Making2020-05-03T10:07:29+01:00

8 years ago today…

On Monday 30 April 2012, I gave birth to Truth Legal Limited. Sharing a desk, in the office of local surveyor, Andrew Kempston-Parkes, I was free. I knew that it [...]

8 years ago today…2020-04-30T07:19:08+01:00
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