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Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project


The Genius that is Capitalism

Like it or not, capitalism is genius. And all geniuses are flawed. In my favourite - though rarely-referenced - tranche of Marxism, Marx declares that, "Crime produces locks, jails, police, [...]

The Genius that is Capitalism2016-08-23T21:07:16+01:00

The Lords Resistance Army

Let me entertain you with an alcohol-caused, name-dropping anecdote. A few months ago, at the Labour Regional Conference in Leeds, at an hour well past Anne Widdecombe's bedtime, I was [...]

The Lords Resistance Army2010-04-02T13:50:10+01:00


I find the recent Wikileaks saga most conflicting. The data dump will have the effect that diplomats will rarely write candidly for fear that their words will end up in [...]

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