It’s 11pm, in the Autumn. On the Stray, it’s raining hard. As ever, the wind is unforgiving. The streetlights are off. Underfoot, mushed-up leaves. I’m soaking, particularly my feet. [...]
Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project
Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project
It’s 11pm, in the Autumn. On the Stray, it’s raining hard. As ever, the wind is unforgiving. The streetlights are off. Underfoot, mushed-up leaves. I’m soaking, particularly my feet. [...]
(Due to poor health, three of my colleagues at Truth Legal are buying my shares in a Management Buy-Out. A few days ago, I gave a speech at our 10th [...]
(Warning: another boring health post, recorded here in the hope that it might be of use to others) Of all the numerous and weird symptoms that I have endured [...]
Partygate, the despot-like re-writing of the Ministerial Code, Russian aggression and energy price hikes, all dominate the British news. Remember Covid? Well, Covid news has been – thankfully - consigned to the [...]
This April Fool’s Day it is fitting to write that I have become….. disabled. There, I have written it. But I cannot easily say this out loud. How can I [...]
(These are my musings, written in hospital, more diary entry than blogpost) In Antibiotics, I trust It’s 23:51 on Saturday 12 February 2022. I’m back as an in-patient at [...]
It’s time for another dull health update. Today, my neurologist copied me into a letter which he sent to my GP. In it, he asks what types of antibiotics I [...]
I’m writing, this evening, for the first time, in a long time. Not about party-gate 1, 2 or 3; not about Reckless Boris; not about my booster jab; nor about [...]
Reflecting on the shameful vote this week by the majority of Tory MPs to support disgraced Tory MP Owen Paterson, and then for the Government’s immediate volte-face, my sense is [...]
When your daughter theoretically starts to design the colour scheme for my custom-made electric wheelchair (I have not ordered one, for clarity), to enable me to attend her dance performance, [...]
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