Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project


A New Vocation

This chronic illness lark is like having a new job. So many appointments to attend. So many biological readings to document. So much research to undertake:   a never-ending, insurmountable amount [...]

A New Vocation2021-07-29T23:16:38+01:00

Return to the Office

Quite rightly, Covid has given us the chance to reconsider our lives. Nobody, it seems, wants to return to commuting. Environmentally, this is indisputably a good thing. Home working – [...]

Return to the Office2020-09-05T19:17:18+01:00

Improved Online Schooling During Lockdown

My children have now been away from school for two months. Disappointingly and surprisingly, their teachers have not called to check in on them. Via email, we have received exercises [...]

Improved Online Schooling During Lockdown2020-05-14T07:24:29+01:00

Local Tory-Imposed Austerity

Conservative Councillor Skidmore, of Ripon, celebrated our council's 16.7 per cent drop in funding by telling our local paper: "Everybody is feeling the same pain, perhaps some more than others, [...]

Local Tory-Imposed Austerity2011-01-07T13:59:05+00:00
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