Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

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These are my blogs written over the years.

El Dueno (the owner) and Strangeways

It’s 8pm - vino-o-clock! – here in Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife. I’m doing something most un-Spanish: dining solo. Sitting here on the veranda of a locals’ restaurant, near to [...]

El Dueno (the owner) and Strangeways2023-09-08T21:23:58+01:00

Genes and dogs

Slowly, step by step, I am walking up Casterton Fell in North Yorkshire. My son is somewhere ahead of me. My wife and daughter are – surprisingly – somewhere behind. [...]

Genes and dogs2023-08-29T18:37:53+01:00

Just Your Typical First Day as a Lawyer

After years of studying, travelling and bumming around, I finally started my job as a trainee lawyer on Monday 15th August 2005. The workday went well. That evening, full [...]

Just Your Typical First Day as a Lawyer2023-08-25T18:20:59+01:00

Ich bin ein Berliner

I’m in Berlin. Rather, we – the family Gray - are here, in Berlin, at the end of our six-day holiday. We chose Germany because both sides of our family [...]

Ich bin ein Berliner2023-08-21T15:59:43+01:00

Post-Mortem: 99 Red Balloons

That was the month that was. I’m glad – proud! – that I stood for Parliament. Sure, finishing 11th out of 13 candidates, amassing only 99 votes, whilst spending [...]

Post-Mortem: 99 Red Balloons2023-08-06T17:27:25+01:00

Media Feeding Frenzy

With just a few days to go before polling day, I’ve hit a wall. Thankfully, the non-BBC media have been fair, allowing some momentum to continue The BBC bias in [...]

Media Feeding Frenzy2023-07-18T15:22:57+01:00

Manifesto Launched by The Daily Mail!

Yes, folks, The Daily Mail requested an exclusive – to print the world’s first manifesto which has used AI to listen to what people want – and I was thrilled [...]

Manifesto Launched by The Daily Mail!2023-07-16T12:46:26+01:00

Greatest Hits Radio press release

Cost of Living With utmost haste, I would lead the charge to re-nationalize the failed Bank of England. The Bank failed to predict the inevitability of high inflation. Their policy [...]

Greatest Hits Radio press release2023-07-14T09:14:24+01:00

BBC Look North questions to candidates

BBC Look North asks the questions, Andrew Gray provides his answers. "What would you do for the people of Selby and Ainsty to help them around the Cost of Living [...]

BBC Look North questions to candidates2023-07-12T08:35:50+01:00
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