Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

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These are my blogs written over the years.

You – Yes You – Should Blog For Humanity

Aside from reasons of vanity, creativity, diary-making, and the clarification of my thoughts, I blog so that I can contribute to the library of human knowledge. When friends and [...]

You – Yes You – Should Blog For Humanity2024-07-03T19:03:43+01:00

Chickens Coming Home to Roost

Former British Chancellor George Osborne, who served between 2010-2016, was a brilliant political operator. However, he was the most damaging chancellor of my 44 years. Brilliant, because when the International [...]

Chickens Coming Home to Roost2024-06-29T13:21:14+01:00

Emojis, Gareth Southgate and Decision-Making

Once, following a lengthy interview process for a senior role, I sent a written job offer to the impressive successful candidate. That person accepted my offer, replying with a [...]

Emojis, Gareth Southgate and Decision-Making2024-07-02T00:32:19+01:00


It’s midnight here in Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife. I’m in my hostel - well, it claims to be a hotel, but the evidence and price suggest otherwise. It's hot. [...]


Becoming Human 2

A few months ago I spent the day filming with a TV crew working for the Singapore-based Channel News Asia, for their show Becoming Human 2, all about AI [...]

Becoming Human 22024-06-07T17:28:27+01:00

Don’t Envy George Clooney

If you look up the dictionary definition of the word “debonair” it says: “See George Clooney”.  Ok, it doesn’t say that, but I’m sure we can agree that Clooney epitomises [...]

Don’t Envy George Clooney2024-06-01T22:28:25+01:00

Vote Conservative?

Imagine that you require some serious non-standard surgery of the general anaesthetic-requiring type. Imagine that two surgeons visit your hospital bed vying for the right to perform this procedure of [...]

Vote Conservative?2024-05-25T14:39:34+01:00

Unleashing Infinite Political Potential With AI

Since standing as the first AI-powered candidate in an election in July 2023, I have spoken to dozens of fascinating people all around the world who want to upgrade [...]

Unleashing Infinite Political Potential With AI2024-05-25T18:59:26+01:00
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