Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

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These are my blogs written over the years.

Corbyn, Trump and the Cult

Politically, Corbyn and Trump are of course diametrically opposite. (I backed Corbyn in the leadership election of 2015: I was swayed by his political history and the inevitable avalanche of [...]

Corbyn, Trump and the Cult2017-06-24T21:12:33+01:00

The Genius that is Capitalism

Like it or not, capitalism is genius. And all geniuses are flawed. In my favourite - though rarely-referenced - tranche of Marxism, Marx declares that, "Crime produces locks, jails, police, [...]

The Genius that is Capitalism2016-08-23T21:07:16+01:00

The Good Old Days

It seems to me that many folks hunger for the good old days, when life was - so some people argue - better, in every conceivable way. Leaving aside the [...]

The Good Old Days2016-08-21T20:56:36+01:00

My personal statement

I want to be the best person that I can be, using all my God-given and nurture-generated, attributes, whether I am at home or at work. At home, I want [...]

My personal statement2012-04-20T14:38:20+01:00

Local Tory-Imposed Austerity

Conservative Councillor Skidmore, of Ripon, celebrated our council's 16.7 per cent drop in funding by telling our local paper: "Everybody is feeling the same pain, perhaps some more than others, [...]

Local Tory-Imposed Austerity2011-01-07T13:59:05+00:00

The Lords Resistance Army

Let me entertain you with an alcohol-caused, name-dropping anecdote. A few months ago, at the Labour Regional Conference in Leeds, at an hour well past Anne Widdecombe's bedtime, I was [...]

The Lords Resistance Army2010-04-02T13:50:10+01:00


I find the recent Wikileaks saga most conflicting. The data dump will have the effect that diplomats will rarely write candidly for fear that their words will end up in [...]

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