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Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

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These are my blogs written over the years.

The Middle Class Advantage?

(I would prefer never to speak of any particular “class”, but as the term retains utility, I shall use it.) On Friday evening, I had an emergency telephone consultation with [...]

The Middle Class Advantage?2021-07-25T19:07:44+01:00

In Cummings We Believe

This evening, Cummings enjoyed a one-hour prime-time slot, interviewed by his chum, Laura Kuenessberg. In this blog, I’ll set out Cummings’ broad thesis. The party system is flawed. As Cummings [...]

In Cummings We Believe2021-07-20T23:35:55+01:00

Get Well Soon?

Chronic conditions are the hardest to treat - as the prophetical Seth Godin just blogged here – simply because we don’t pay them sufficient energy. This is not just true [...]

Get Well Soon?2021-07-18T13:17:00+01:00


In the days following his murder – though the Jury deemed it to be Death by Dangerous Driving – often I would find myself, in the middle of the night, [...]


Diagnosis: Dysautonomia

(This is written primarily for my kids, and for me) Dysautonomia is my diagnosis. I hadn’t heard of it, either. Essentially, it’s a syndrome – a collection of symptoms with [...]

Diagnosis: Dysautonomia2021-06-09T11:35:40+01:00

Goodbye to the Lib Dems

This week, I resigned from the Liberal Democrats as my membership expired. It’s hard to dislike a Lib Dem: they are good people. Usually ideology-free, the Lib Dems wants the [...]

Goodbye to the Lib Dems2020-10-28T07:29:50+00:00

Return to the Office

Quite rightly, Covid has given us the chance to reconsider our lives. Nobody, it seems, wants to return to commuting. Environmentally, this is indisputably a good thing. Home working – [...]

Return to the Office2020-09-05T19:17:18+01:00

Perfect is the Enemy of Good: Part One

So said Voltaire, with similar versions from Shakespeare and Confucius. Throughout lockdown, the lack of schooling for my kids – and to millions of other children less fortunate than mine [...]

Perfect is the Enemy of Good: Part One2020-06-29T10:07:55+01:00

The Mother of All Recoveries (The Sequel)

Fasten your seatbelts. Our cryogenically-frozen economy, though in tatters, will recover at a never before seen pace. As an SME-owner here in Yorkshire, let me explain. Last week brought confirmation [...]

The Mother of All Recoveries (The Sequel)2020-06-22T08:02:46+01:00

The Mother of All Recoveries?

Will the economy tank, as I have been predicting in my blogs? Or will it bounce-back? This issue is dominating my thoughts and conversations. Last week brought us confirmation - [...]

The Mother of All Recoveries?2020-06-16T14:14:19+01:00
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