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Find out more about my consensus-based technology at Crowd Wisdom Project

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These are my blogs written over the years.

Perfect is the Enemy of Good: Part One

So said Voltaire, with similar versions from Shakespeare and Confucius. Throughout lockdown, the lack of schooling for my kids – and to millions of other children less fortunate than mine [...]

Perfect is the Enemy of Good: Part One2020-06-29T10:07:55+01:00

The Mother of All Recoveries (The Sequel)

Fasten your seatbelts. Our cryogenically-frozen economy, though in tatters, will recover at a never before seen pace. As an SME-owner here in Yorkshire, let me explain. Last week brought confirmation [...]

The Mother of All Recoveries (The Sequel)2020-06-22T08:02:46+01:00

The Mother of All Recoveries?

Will the economy tank, as I have been predicting in my blogs? Or will it bounce-back? This issue is dominating my thoughts and conversations. Last week brought us confirmation - [...]

The Mother of All Recoveries?2020-06-16T14:14:19+01:00

Return of the Lawyer Jokes

With Black Lives Matter rightly front and centre of debate, yesterday Keir Starmer commenced his PMQs by referring to the Lammy Report and the Windrush Report, highlighting what he said [...]

Return of the Lawyer Jokes2020-06-11T11:51:03+01:00

Your true colours

During these frightening times, my recent experience of business, politics, family and friendships instructs me that people’s true colours shine more clearly now than they have ever done.    In [...]

Your true colours2020-06-11T10:31:57+01:00

Double Praise for Boris Johnson

Parking Covid for a moment, frequently people on ‘the left’ chastise Reckless Boris (RB) – as I like to call him but not for the rest of this blog - [...]

Double Praise for Boris Johnson2020-06-07T08:33:29+01:00


To accuse anyone of lying one must be sure of the facts, even if that person is Donald Trump. Of course, no thinking person could conclude that the President is [...]


George Floyd and Donald Trump

For posterity, I am posting the video which gruesomely shows the murder of George Floyd here. It needs to be seen to be believed. For posterity, I am posting a [...]

George Floyd and Donald Trump2020-06-05T14:13:55+01:00

Marxists and Capitalists

Marxists and Capitalists make the same mistake: both describe our current system as capitalist. Sure, it is capitalist, but missing is the sub-category. As Yanis Varoufakis skilfully explains here, when [...]

Marxists and Capitalists2020-06-04T07:54:42+01:00

PMQs on 3 June 2020

In PMQs today, Reckless Boris (RB) was in defensive mood, despatching Starmer’s attacks with consummate ease. The PM – king of winging it – knew what was coming because Starmer’s [...]

PMQs on 3 June 20202020-06-03T07:56:47+01:00
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