Families need more support
Our Political System is broken, exploited by some politicians
NHS saved my life, but needs radical overhaul
Interest rate hikes will not cure inflation
Peace is needed between Russia and Ukraine
Biodiversity loss is a huge problem
We need to generate our own energy
Cross-Yorkshire transport links need rethinking
We should produce more of own our food
Inheritance Tax is unfair
Our waterways and beaches should be clean
Police should focus resources on online scams, violent crime and burglary
Vape shops shouldn’t be allowed in town centres
Schools shouldn’t obsess as much about exam grades
NHS staff deserve pay rises, as do teachers
Small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the country, not mega corporations like Amazon
Optimise post-Brexit trade agreements
Local people have the answer to local problems
Freedom of speech is precious
All citizens should have easy access to the laws and courts of this country
Our children need to play outside far more
We need to discuss why males live four years fewer than females
Celebrate just how non-racist we are as a country, but we have much further to go